The Campus
The campus of the Centro Atómico Bariloche (CAB), where you can find all the facilities of the Instituto Balseiro, is located at 9.5 km from San Carlos de Bariloche on E. Bustillo Avenue which connects the city with Llao Llao. The property occupies an area of 46 ha. surrounded by forests, mountains and lakes.
Within the campus there are research laboratories, laboratories for practices, classrooms, the RA6 nuclear reactor, library, housing for professionals residing there and student accommodation, a childcare facility, dining room, ATM, convenience store and spaces for various sports ; among other facilities that provide quality to everyday life for all who work and study at the IB as well as their visitors.
The Leo Falicov library provides service and support to research, teaching, and studies related to the outreach of informatic resources.
The building has over 1000m2, where different spaces for studying and reading can be found, as well as areas equipped with computers and bibliographic material on open shelves.
Among the many services this library offers, some of its highlights are: online electronic catalog, Internet access, information and reference service, training courses for users, provision of documents, and access to general and specialized databases.
The library holds 21.000 volumes, 900 printed journal titles, and online access to 63 journals through institutional subscription. At the same time, users have access to 22,912 journals, 22,338 e-books, 3,164 standards and 19,011 conferences and congresses through the Electronic Library of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovative Production (MINCyT).
The collection of the Library “Ing. Carlos Enrique Suárez” of Fundación Bariloche, contributes to the archive. A new service: the library offers to its users is the Institutional Digital Repository (RICABIB, for its acronym in Spanish) of the scientific and academic production of the CAB-IB community, which encourages and fosters Open Access sources to knowledge.
The library was named after one of the first and most prominent graduates in Physics at the Balseiro Institute, Leo Falicov, whose research contributed to the Institute’s international prestige.
Students at the Instituto Balseiro carry out their practices in different laboratories at CAB. While taking classes in their first years, they use academic experimental labs designed and equipped specifically for teaching. Advanced students, on the other hand, work at research labs integrated with different research groups of the Centro Atómico Bariloche (CAB). In this way, the students’ learning process develops tightly related to ongoing research and development projects, enriching the students’ experience with daily practices of scientists and technologists.
The research activities related to undergraduate and postgraduate work atthe Instituto Balseiro are carried out at modern labs and with outstanding research groups of basic and applied sciences of the CAB, other institutions and associated companies. The research areas are: Physics and its applications, Materials and Device Technology, and Nuclear Energy. These groups, related to other national and international prestigious labs and centers, seek to contribute substantially to the national scientific knowledge and technological growth, through developments and indigenous engineering in nuclear and non-nuclear areas, and the permanent promotion of scientific, technological and academic activities.

From the bus/train station: Take bus lines 10, 20, 21 or 22.
The bus schedule can be checked: here
The buses of all lines first go through the city center and then travel along Exequiel Bustillo Avenue bordering the southern coast of the Nahuel Huapi lake. You must get off the bus at the Centro Atómico bus stop, km. 9.500.
By car :
From the city center take 12 de Octubre Av. or San Martín St. towards Llao Llao, both converge at Exequiel Bustillo Av. Drive 9.5km on Bustillo Av. bordering the lake. You will find the CAB on your left.
From the airport :
Take the minibus to the city center or to the bus station, then take the bus lines 10, 20, 21 or 22
The bus schedule can be checked here
The buses of all these lines first go through the city center and then travel along Exequiel Bustillo Avenue bordering the southern coast of the Nahuel Haupi lake. You must get off the bus at the Centro Atómico bus stop, km. 9.500.
Alternatively, at the airport you can take a remisse or taxi to the Centro Atómico.