Diego Franco
- Nuevos materiales magnéticos
Publicaciones seleccionadas
A. Amador, Y. Sanz Perl, G.B. Mindlin and D. Margoliash “Elemental gesture dynamics are encoded by song premotor cortical neurons”. Nature 495: 59-64 (2013).
Commented in “Birds can recognize a model’s reproduction of their own songs” by J.L. Miller, Physics Today 66(5), 16 (2013); “Neuroscience: The units of a song” by Troyer, T.W., Nature , 2013. 495: p.56-7.
Large magnetocaloric effect in the frustrated antiferromagnet EuIr2P2, D. J. Garc ́ıa, D. G. Franco, P. S. Cornaglia. J. of Mag. and Mag. Mat. 565 (2023) 170307.
Synthesis and study of the chiral magnetic system EuIr2P2, D. G. Franco, C. Geibel, Physical Review B 104 (2021) 054416.
Gradual pressure-induced enhancement of magnon excitations in Ce- CoSi, S. E. Nikitin, D. G. Franco, J. Kwon, R. Bewley, A. Podlesnyak, A. Hoser, M. M. Koza, C. Geibel, O. Stockert, Physical Review B 101 (2020) 214426.
Fluctuation-induced first-order transition in Eu-based trillium lattices, D. G. Franco, Y. Prots, C. Geibel, S. Seiro, Physical Review B 96 (2017) 014401.