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Reverse engineering the neural network of the retina

Fecha y Horario:

02 de marzo de 2018, 14:30hs


Tim Gollisch


University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of Ophthalmology and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Göttingen, Germany


Our sense of vision starts by light entering the eye and eliciting electrical signals in the neurons of the retina. The retina is an intricate neural network, akin to a small brain at the back of the eye, which filters and processes the incoming visual information for transmission to downstream brain areas. Understanding this visual signal processing is important not only for understanding how seeing works, but also for the development of visual prostheses as a therapeutic approach for the blind. In this talk, I will discuss classical concepts as well as newly emerging views of this signal processing. In particular, I will focus on demonstrating how combining physiological experiments, computational modeling, and ideas from machine learning can be applied to infer structure and function of the retina’s neural network. This reverse engineering of the retina provides insight into how the different types of neurons in the retina interact with each other and paves the way for computational models of how retinal neurons respond to natural visual stimuli.

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