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Cold atomic gases and quantum simulators

Fecha y Horario: 14 de septiembre de 2018, 14.30hs.


Prof. Thierry Giamarchi


Université de Genève, Switzerland


In the recent years tremendous progress have been made in the preparation, trapping and cooling of atomic gases to abysmally low temperatures. This has allowed to realize with an unprecedented level of control systems of many quantum particles interacting with each other. The nature of the particles, the lattice in which they move and even their interactions can be controlled at will. This has allowed to create in the laboratory systems that are close realizations of phenomena ranging from the ones found in solids, to neutron stars, such as superconductivity. This transformed cold atomic gases as quantum simulators, namely experiments that reproduces so perfectly a phenomenon or a given model, that measuring the experiment ``solves’’ the model. This has not only allowed to address some of the major questions that were present in quantum many body physics, but also opened new avenues to study phenomena hard to tackle previously, in particular concerning non-equilibrium physics, disorder or very large magnetic fields. I will present in this talk some of the examples of this success story, as well as some of the concepts that emerged from this new field. I will also discuss how cold atomic gases and condensed matter started to go hand in hand in addressing some of the major issues of the field, as well as some of the challenges that put some spices in this otherwise idyllic love story.



Thierry Giamarchi graduated from Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris and received his PhD from Paris XI University in 1987.He has been a permanent member of the french CNRS since 1986, and between 1990-1992 was a postdoc/visitor at Bell Laboratories. In 2002 he moved as a full professor to the Condensed Matter Department at the University of Geneva. Since 2013 he is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the American Physical Society. His research work deals with the effects of interactions in low dimensional quantum systems, such as Luttinger liquids, and on the effects of disorder in classical and quantum systems with works showing the existence of novel disordered phases such as the Bose glass and the Bragg glass

Salón de Actos - 14:30 Hs.
